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Lifecycle Services - Guardian™ Support for Mimic™ Simulation Software
Guardian™ Support for Mimic™ Simulation System
Guardian Support for Mimic is your personalized digital platform that delivers unlimited expert technical support and aggregates information related to your simulation system.
The result is a single point of critical system informaiton to help you improve your competitive advantage and bottom line business results.


  • Guardian Support is a service that provides risk, incident, and lifecycle management, designed to optimize the reliability and performance of your Mimic system. It delivers personalized real-time intelligence tailored to your plant’s platform architecture and application at the individual system level, the plant level, and the enterprise level. Guardian Support helps achieve peak performance, improve collaboration, optimize software availability and improve system reliability.

    Guardian Support provides risk management as relevant software update and KBAs are available through the online platform, allowing you to minimize risks to achieve peak performance. These documents help you with your upgrade decisions and regular system maintenance.

    Guardian Support delivers incident management with 24x7x365 access to expert support personnel ready to answer any questions related to product functionality or issues. All issues are viewable in the website for tracking, and this makes it easier to share best practices and improve collaboration among system owners worldwide.

    Guardian Support helps improve the lifecycle management of the system, providing you access to major and minor updates to your Mimic simulation system. Applying these updates optimizes software availability and improves system reliability with updated technology.


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