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SmartProcess™ Distillation
SmartProcess Distillation
SmartProcess Distillation is a pre-engineered, modular solution for model predictive control (MPC) of distillation columns using DeltaV's embedded advanced process control (APC) technologies.
The solution includes software and services to implement MPC and neural modules for control of any 2 or 3-product distillation column.
SmartProcess™ Distillation


System Compatibility
SmartProcess Distillation applications are available on DeltaV v11.3 and higher systems


  • Reduce product quality variation and offspec production
  • Minimize quality giveaways
  • Minimize energy consumption per unit of feed
  • Increase recovery of more valuable products
  • Maximize feed rate upon demand
  • Increase column throughput
  • Lower costs of implementation


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